In the rare case that a person needs to use a concealed firearm in a life-or-death situation, having legal protection insurance is critical. In this video, the presenter shares the top options for firearms legal protection.
The way firearms legal protection insurance works is that, for a small monthly premium, insured parties are guaranteed legal protection if needed. Gun laws differ from state to state, and it’s important to know that legal counsel with expertise in each state is available.
The presenter shares the pros and cons of five national programs that will offer help in your state if you get in a legal situation involving a concealed carry weapon.
At a minimum, all of the options recommended in this video provide coverage for legal fees associated with concealed carry incidents. However, most go above and beyond in one or many aspects, including protection in case of gun theft, concealed carry training, 24/7 helplines, and more. Some plans offer reduced monthly premiums for family members added to the plan. Overall, this video is helpful for concealed carriers, because it will help them to make an educated selection for firearm legal protection insurance.