While we don’t ask for accidents to happen sometimes they do. But when you have proper insurance filing a claim after an accident is the best thing you can do. It can save you from headaches, literally and figuratively, down the road.
Depending on the severity of an accident, your mind begins to race. Is everyone okay? How did this happen? Was anyone hurt or killed? The first order of business after an accident is to make sure the police have been notified, and in some cases, emergency medical technicians. Once a police report has been issued and everyone involved has been cleared to leave, the next step is to file an insurance claim.
Contact your insurance company to file this claim. This is a hard step for many people who have been involved in car accidents because of the dread associated with filing an insurance claim. Most people put off dealing with insurance companies because it can feel like you have disappointed your insurance company. They also fear the potential increase in premiums and the prospect of paperwork. But, filing initial insurance claim letters are some of the most important steps to take with your agent.
Look at it this way, your car is still damaged and it’s not going to fix itself. That insurance claim needs to be addressed. But take a deep breath. It’s not the end of the world. Filing an insurance claim will get you the help you need to get back on the road.
Here is what you can do to make post accident life easier. Know your policy. If you need a refresher, ask your agent to go over the details of it with you. Control yourself after an accident. Your first inclination will be to shift the blame, make excuses or get mad. Getting carried away can affect your insurance claim. Make sure you get everyone’s name that was involved, when possible. A police report will be helpful when filing an insurance claim because it will detail the accident with words and possibly images.
Never assume responsibility until you have spoken with your insurance agent. You may feel responsible for the accident, but in the event that new information comes to light about your accident you could be absolved.
Be sure you have a letter from your physician to use with your claim. You might not see your doctor immediately, but that information will be useful to your claim. Though you might feel fine immediately after the accident, it’s not uncommon for injuries to surface days or weeks later.
Hold off on taking your car in for repairs. Not only will this save you out of pocket expenses, it will be helpful to the agent who is handling your insurance claim if they can see the vehicle before it is repaired.
But most importantly, don’t put off filing the initial insurance claim letter. It might seem daunting at first, but by letting an trained insurance agent help, you can breath easier knowing that you and your car are going to come out of this just fine.